Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Holy Moses (you should pardon the expression), I made the big time! My blog was mentioned in a news article!

Thanks to the Renegade Rebbitzen http://renegaderebbetzin.blogspot.com/ for posting a link to this http://www.jewishbroadcasting.tv/wjd/july05/bronson.html news article and, especially, to Sarah Bronson (of Chayyei Sarah) for writing it. I'm tinkled pink not only to have had my blog mentioned, but to have had it mentioned in the company of so many other fine Jewish blogs (such as that of the aforementioned RenReb). Now, please excuse me while I rush over to http://chayyeisarah.blogspot.com/ to post my thanks.


Blogger Eliyahu said...

Are you sure you have that executive whatever it is? I'd say it's more like a deficit of attention disorder...a fine blog like this certainly deserves more attention!

Wed Jul 06, 12:07:00 AM 2005  
Blogger PsychoToddler said...

Hey, I wear a tallit too!

Seriously, kudos for the mention.

Wed Jul 06, 09:18:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Todah! :)

Thu Jul 07, 10:47:00 PM 2005  

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